Velocity Banking

Take control of your finances in surprising ways, when you rapidly reduce debt with this life-changing technique.


Randall Cloud

Randall was originally a staff member at Renatus and began working with Bob Snyder in 2011. While in that position he implemented the Renatus education to free up cash flow, pay off large debts and acquire new properties. He became a full-time real estate investor and is experienced in fix and flips as well as short term rentals. After aquiring, managing and increasing profit in 24 STRs in a 2 year period, Randall has returned to Renatus as an instructor for the Short Term Rentals class, using his success with systems, integrations, and communications to share valuable information with our students.


“CASHFLOW is King” Everyone can use more cashflow. Learn how to immediately improve your cashflow by utilizing existing banking tools and changing the flow of money in your life. Change your financial life and retire debt 4 to 5 times more quickly without increasing your income and without going on the “Beans and Rice” diet. Randall Cloud teaches investors how to use lines of credit instead of traditional loans to quickly retire any type of debt you have and give you true financial freedom. Learn how many community members have become completely debt free and paid off existing 30-year mortgages is less than ten years! Gain understanding into the tools banks, credit card companies and other lending institutions use to keep consumers tied up in monthly payments for years and even decades. Know how you can avoid them when possible and use them to your advantage when its right for you. Use existing banking tools you may already have to start the Velocity Banking Process and take back control of your Cashflow. The wealthy pay less in interest and maximize the power that each dollar contributes to their personal wealth. Now it’s your turn. Using our proprietary debt reduction calculator learn how quickly you can retire your debt and reach that life of wealth and prosperity. Once you have mastered Velocity Banking, your goal can be to increase your financial freedom, invest in more real estate and build wealth for generations to come.

  • 1

    Velocity Banking Pre-Assessment

  • 2

    The Purpose of Velocity Banking

    Our instructor, Randall Cloud, invites the class to be open-minded, to challenge traditional financial strategies, and to learn how to maintain security and lifestyle while paying less in interest.

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    Understanding Loans

    Review the terminology, purposes, limits, and functions associated with loans so you can accurately utilize Velocity Banking.

  • Show all 19 segments

    • 4

      Understanding Loan Types

      Break down the different types of debt, the difference between amortized loans and interest only loans, and the purposes for each one.

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      Interest Rates

      Learn how interest rates are decided by the financial institutions, the different ways interest may be calculated, and how you can maximize your financial situation based on the interest rate.

    • 6

      Working With Different Loan Types

      How do credit cards and credit scores affect your ability to use Velocity Banking? Learn how car loans, credit cards and student loans can fit into your Velocity Banking Plan.

    • 7

      Getting Started

      Randall goes through a list of the steps and information you need in order to correctly apply Velocity Banking to your personal financial situation.

    • 8

      Moving Debt To A Line Of Credit

      Learn how your debt-to-income ratio will affect your limits and personal finances, and what you can do to make the most of it.

    • 9

      Incremental Payoff

      Also known as chunking, Randall explains how you can use this strategy to drastically reduce your debt as quickly as possible.

    • 10

      Customize Your Velocity Banking

      Life isn’t always ideal, so how can you adjust your actions and accounts to make the most efficient and profitable choices with your money.

    • 11

      Velocity Banking Savings

      Can you use your Velocity Banking account to eliminate your need for a massive savings account? Learn how the two-way street can provide financial security for your family.

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      Example 1 Setup

      Randall demonstrates the process of gathering information and preparing to use Velocity Banking with the assistance of a student volunteer.

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      Example 1 – Debt Payoff with PLOC

      Using an existing account, this example goes through the process of debt payoff with a snowball effect for maximum results.

    • 14

      Example 1 – Q&A and HELOC

      The instructor addresses questions from the live audience about debt payoff, and at what point it might make sense to not use Velocity Banking. He also revisits the numbers in Example 1 with a HELOC account instead of PLOC.

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      Example 2 – HELOC

      In this example, Randall goes through the process of getting started, analyzing the information, and simulates using a HELOC to pay off a mortgage in 10 years instead of 25.

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      Using the Velocity Banking App

      Though it is slightly different from the Velocity Banking Calculator, this tool can be used to quickly demonstrate the expected savings that can be achieved by using Velocity Banking.

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      Example 3 – Investing

      This example dives into how one might use a Velocity Banking account to invest in real estate to create cashflow while maintaining financial security.

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      Q&A and Closing

      Randall Cloud reminds the class of the things he’s been able to accomplish with Velocity Banking, how simple it is, and how students can also achieve fantastic results using this strategy.

    • 19

      Velocity Banking Post-Assessment

  • 19

    Velocity Banking Post-Assessment