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In addition to running The Dessauer Group, John and Heather Dessauer are serial investors of their own, and have investments including apartments, single-family homes, office buildings, and raw land. They also have a Property Management/Brokerage firm, Anton Agency/Anton Asset Management, that assists owner-occupants and investors in the real estate arena. John lives in Chicago and Florida, and has a Bachelor Degree in Biology and Business Administration from St. Ambrose University.
Now that you have your multi-family investment property, how will you manage it? With his unique perspective, John Dessauer takes you through the three basic approaches to property management and how each of these styles can best work for you. We will examine strategies that provide leverage and establish value in investment properties. You will recognize the importance of due diligence and the responsibilities involved in running a property management company. Then use that knowledge to determine how and if each property can be managed personally or if it should be referred out to a third-party management company. Learn the details to prioritize when building your property management team, how to interview potential managers and how to establish the roles of the property manager and investor in these relationships. From making investment properties rent-ready to managing tenants, this course will build your ability to manage properties in your portfolio successfully and profitably.
This Pre-Assessment is to raise awareness of your current knowledge level and give you a glimpse of the information covered in this course.
John Dessauer is back to help you learn how to manage your multi-family properties.
John gives you an overview of the class and what he intends to teach.
Your instructor issues a reality check and reminds you to determine your number.
Property management is the operations side of your business. Be sure it is handled well.
The basics of due diligence and direct cost are covered here.
John discusses the issues of eviction and dealing with tenants.
When properties are managed properly you can set yourself up for a comfortable retirement.
Be sure to seek out a property manager who is conducive to your investment style.
Surround yourself with people and companies who support your goals.
John presents the 12 player roster for your investing team.
The differing roles of owner and property manager are discussed here.
The key components of the property management agreement are discussed, such as cost of services.
John discusses the key components of the lease agreement such as the term of the lease.
Your instructor shares stories of creative solutions in property management.
Due diligence is the first step in effective property management.
The financial and legal obligations of your tenant are discussed here.
John describes his baker's dozen method of collecting rent.
Rents and security deposit laws vary. Be sure to check the local laws in your market.
Improving curb appeal is one of many methods of helping you to fill vacancies.
Safety items to keep in mind, such as fire alarms, are covered in this segment.
John gives tips on selecting your tenants, beginning with having set procedures to follow.
Establishing the move-in date and securing the security deposit are some of the tips John offers, regarding the move-in process.
Johns lists some fees you can add to your lease to increase NOI.
Some tenants are not great to work with. John discusses some of the issues you may have and how to deal with them.
Whether you hire employees directly, or the management company you use has employees on your property, John has a few tips on managing them.
Maintenance people are essential to your team. John offers some tips on helping them to be prepared for regular maintenance.
John suggests using crime stopper groups on your properties and offers some tips on setting this up.
Insurance protection is necessary for all properties. Be sure you are covered.
John discusses HAP, Section 8 and other specialized and subsidized housing.
Your instructor offers some helpful resources for managing your properties and wraps up the class with some funny, personal stories.
This Post-Assessment is to measure your increased knowledge and see how much information you have retained from the course.
This Post-Assessment is to measure your increased knowledge and see how much information you have retained from the course.