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In addition to running The Dessauer Group, John and Heather Dessauer are serial investors of their own, and have investments including apartments, single-family homes, office buildings, and raw land. They also have a Property Management/Brokerage firm, Anton Agency/Anton Asset Management, that assists owner-occupants and investors in the real estate arena. John lives in Chicago and Florida, and has a Bachelor Degree in Biology and Business Administration from St. Ambrose University.
Challenging and often difficult concepts are made simple by Master Investor and Real Estate Educator, John Dessauer. In this course as you are taught the intricacies of the multi-family real estate world, from how to find potential investment properties to how to manage existing multi-family properties already in your portfolio. Learn how multi-family investments are different from single-family rentals and what the step by step process to determine if a potential property should make it into your management group. Know where to find and how to analyze data reports, demographic information, pro-forma, profit and loss statements, along with management contracts and purchase agreements. Study how to structure a deal, submit an offer for purchase, and prepare for closing. Also, create your plan for entry into the multi-family investing market alongside one of the best in the business. Use John’s knowledge and expertise to increase your income while lowering expenses and increasing your personal wealth.
This Pre-Assessment is to raise awareness of your current knowledge level and give you a glimpse of the information covered in this course.
John Dessauer is here again to help you learn how to manage your property managers.
The CAP rate formula is discussed and fully explained.
John discusses your target market and how important it is to identify yours.
John goes through an example to discover which rate is the best deal.
Your instructor discusses the two sides to every deal - debt side and equity side. John covers how to use this information to decide if this is a good deal for you.
The goal of real estate investing is to get paid. This happens through cash flow, amortization, appreciation, and depreciation.
John discusses how depreciation can affect your ROI.
Your instructor compares appreciation to amortization to help you identify what you could be making off of a deal.
John goes through seller financing options and helps you determine how to make this work for you.
Your instructor continues walking you through analyzing the deal, by looking at ROI and debt services.
Make sure you are buying your assets correctly by analyzing completely and building the correct teams.
John discusses ways to increase the value of your property so you can increase your rents.
Sub-metering is another way to increase your value and NOI. John explains how it works.
By offering convenience to your renters, you can increase the value of your property.
John discusses several means to increase your NOI, such as fees and upgrades.
John introduces the concept of divide and conquer - when you divide something out, you can charge a little more.
Some examples of the divide and conquer technique are presented and described.
John presents some more divide and conquer examples.
11 things you need to know, such as buying properties that are all on one tax parcel.
John discusses credits that may be added on to your deal at closing.
The audience asks questions specific to credits at closing.
More questions about credits at closing are presented by the class and answered by our instructor.
John lists the next steps to take, including more info on divide and conquer techniques.
John answers audience questions on divide and conquer.
John runs you through an exercise you can use to be fairly certain that you do not lose money on your deal.
A real possible deal from the audience is presented and analyzed.
John discusses a possible solution to a deal that, at first, appears not to work.
Your instructor takes you through a rent credit exercise.
John wraps up the class with a final Q&A and a challenge, once again, to determine your why.
This Post-Assessment is to measure your increased knowledge and see how much information you have retained from the course.
This Post-Assessment is to measure your increased knowledge and see how much information you have retained from the course.