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In addition to running The Dessauer Group, John and Heather Dessauer are serial investors of their own, and have investments including apartments, single-family homes, office buildings, and raw land. They also have a Property Management/Brokerage firm, Anton Agency/Anton Asset Management, that assists owner-occupants and investors in the real estate arena. John lives in Chicago and Florida, and has a Bachelor Degree in Biology and Business Administration from St. Ambrose University.
Challenging and often difficult concepts are made simple by Master Investor and Real Estate Educator, John Dessauer. In this course as you are taught the intricacies of the multi-family real estate world, from how to find potential investment properties to how to manage existing multi-family properties already in your portfolio. Learn how multi-family investments are different from single-family rentals and what the step by step process to determine if a potential property should make it into your management group. Know where to find and how to analyze data reports, demographic information, pro-forma, profit and loss statements, along with management contracts and purchase agreements. Study how to structure a deal, submit an offer for purchase, and prepare for closing. Also, create your plan for entry into the multi-family investing market alongside one of the best in the business. Use John’s knowledge and expertise to increase your income while lowering expenses and increasing your personal wealth.
This Pre-Assessment is to raise awareness of your current knowledge level and give you a glimpse of the information covered in this course.
John's journey to investing began very young when he realized he wanted to be "the rent guy."
Before buying a property you must understand everything to do with that property, as John explains in this segment.
Be an "on purpose" investor every day and change the way you are making your income with the two pillars of knowledge John shares.
John explains more about his two pillars and just how to put those steps into action.
Learn how to increase value per unit by weeding out uneccesary aspects.
John explains success he has had with different ways of negotiating deals and how you, too, can have success by understanding the motivations of the seller.
Forgetting what you have been pre-programmed with is an important step towards taking risks and achieving your goals.
Lenders can vary depending on the kind of property you are investing in. John explains some of the differences.
Real estate investing is not a get rich quick life. It takes work and time. John suggests you come up with 3-5 goals with a time frame attached.
The first thing to base your investing on is cash flow; it is the life blood of your business.
Leverage is the second aspect to consider in your investments. Use it in every deal.
John discusses the three most common battles facing all investors - lack of money, lack of confidence, and lack of knowledge.
There are many types of multi-family units. Johns describes some here.
Establishing your niche, understanding your resources and other details of finding properties are discussed here.
How does age of a property effect your decision to buy?
Never take appreciating money and chase after depreciating assets.
John discusses some less traditional means of finding properties.
What is a good deal? John runs through some numbers to help you see the answer.
John helps the studio audience come up with creative solutions to improve their return.
Your instructor delves deeper into additional ways to find properties.
John discusses the more traditional means of finding properties.
Questions from our studio audience regarding CAP rate and ability to close are answered and explained by the instructor.
Your instructor shares some personal stories and answers studio questions.
Always do your due diligence and be sure to exercise your right for extensions if something causes alarm.
When analyzing a property, you only need a portion of the tax record, not the whole thing. John explains the process.
John discusses the balance sheet and the rent roll for the multi-family property and helps you learn how to analyze these documents.
The income capitalization approach recognizes the present value of the future income of a property.
Is the CAP rate tied to risk? John helps you understand.
Your instructor ties up day one with a question and answer session.
This Post-Assessment is to measure your increased knowledge and see how much information you have retained from the course.
This Post-Assessment is to measure your increased knowledge and see how much information you have retained from the course.