Creative Acquisitions

Empower yourself to use less typical means of acquiring investments, that are fully legal, realistic and profitable.


Chris Albin

With an established real estate portfolio of his own, Chris is the owner of over 100 investment properties and manages many more. Chris’ background as a high school English teacher and wrestling coach, as well as service in the United States Marine Corps Reserve, has given him a strong foundation in education. He holds a BA with Teacher Certification from Eastern IL University. He has purchased over 200 properties on a teacher’s salary, and used multiple, creative strategies in doing so.


You will be inspired by these creative techniques and strategies for acquiring and gaining control of investment properties. Basic investment skills, control terminology and understanding potential seller motivations, will provide a solid foundation for purchasing properties once they are found. Strategies include equity sharing, options, contracts for deed, seller financing, mortgages, and more. Using case studies, learners gain an understanding of step-by-step techniques for buying and controlling properties without having to qualify for bank financing. You will leave this class with a knowledge of which investments would be best funded through retirement accounts, cash accounts, stock accounts, life insurance plans, margin accounts, and others. We will also train investors how to best utilize financial and social resources, as well as time, imagination, networking, and non-traditional assets to successfully acquire investment properties.

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    This Pre-Assessment is to raise awareness of your current knowledge level and give you a glimpse of the information covered in this course.

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    Instructor Introduction

    Chris Albin shares his journey from being a teacher to a successful real estate investor, highlighting the life-changing potential of the real estate market.

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    Concept VS. Processes

    Learn importance of understanding local real estate laws and adapting strategies accordingly, and tackle a problem-solving challenge from the instructor.

  • Show all 25 segments

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      Challenge #1

      How would you handle this real estate scenario requiring creative strategy to sell a house with repair and mortgage issues, and find a profitable solution?

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      What To Expect

      Understand the importance of adopting a creative, flexible, and tenacious approach, while dealing with real estate investment strategies.

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      This segment discusses wholesaling in real estate, with advice about potential legal issues and the importance of consulting a local real estate attorney.

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      Wholesaling, Model & Questions

      Gain a comprehensive explanation of real estate wholesaling, highlighting the process, possible challenges, key considerations, and how to ethically navigate the system.

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      Equity Sharing

      Learn the concept of equity sharing in real estate investment, the factors affecting equity, and how investors can utilize it for benefits like tax credits.

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      Equity Sharing, Model & Questions

      This segment provides an example to demonstrate how partners with different resources and skills can leverage their strengths for mutual benefit.

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      Challenge #2

      Chris shares his experience with a joint venture involving five properties. What would you offer in this situation?

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      Master Lease

      Understand the concept of a master lease, the process of renting and subleasing property to generate a positive cash flow.

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      Option To Buy

      Learn about real estate options, uses, potential risks and benefits, and the importance of including specifics in the option agreement.

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      Lease Option Questions

      Chris answers questions on topics such as terms, insurance, depreciation, and necessary arrangements for income generation.

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      Challenge #3

      How would you solve this hypothetical vacant house scenario, taking into account factors like property conditions, budget, and owner's disposition?

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      Lease Option Model

      Chris describes a property investment strategy where an investor uses options and subleasing to create a win-win scenario for the property owner, the bank, a sublessee, and themselves.

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      Lease Option Questions

      How do lease options work in real estate, including handling repairs, aligning lease and option terms and considering both buyer and seller perspectives?

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      Agreement For Deed

      Learn how to use 'agreement for deed', where you make a down payment to gain partial property ownership, continue with monthly payments, and get full ownership once all payments are made.

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      Contract For Deed & Seller Carry-Back Model

      Chris and volunteers provide a detailed demonstration of real estate transactions using the agreement for deed and seller carryback mortgage strategies.

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      Seller Carry-Back & Challenge #4

      Chris explains the Seller Carry-Back strategy and presents a fourth challenge to the class.

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      Subject To

      This strategy involves purchasing a property under the terms of the existing mortgage, managing the property for profit or repair, and continuing to make the monthly bank payments instead of the seller, allowing the seller to be free of the property and its obligations.

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      Subject-To Walkthrough & Challenge

      Our instructor explains 'subject to' real estate transactions, highlighting the process, risks, and its effectiveness as a strategy, depending on risk tolerance and deal specifics, using various scenarios for clarity.

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      Combining Strategies

      Reap the benefits of blending two different mortgages to create a reduced buyer rate – using several real-life scenarios to illustrate the concepts.

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      Acquisitions with Retirement Funds and Private Money

      Chris provides insights on using retirement funds and private lending for real estate investments, emphasizing the benefits of non-recourse loans, options, and understanding tax and legal aspects.

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      Challenge #1 Revisited & Closing Thoughts

      The class revisits Challenge #1 to see how they might apply the new strategies they've learned, and Chris shares his closing thoughts.

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      This Post-Assessment is to measure your increased knowledge and see how much information you have retained from the course.

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    This Post-Assessment is to measure your increased knowledge and see how much information you have retained from the course.