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Darren went from jobless to a $3,000,000 profit in seven years–all from flipping real estate! As an eight-year veteran of Real Estate Investing, Darren Davis has completed over 200 real estate transactions in single- and multi-family residences and commercial land development. He is a national instructor to thousands of real estate investor students, and is happy to share his exact business model with you. His purpose is to teach others how to create their own success.
Everyone wants to know how the Student becomes the Master. Darren Davis chronicles his journey from student to master real estate investor in this dynamic and detailed class. Darren shares how laser focus on just one aspect of the Auctions process, the property analysis, made the difference in his investing career. Darren has analyzed literally thousands of properties and purchased hundreds on his journey to financial freedom. Learn “the” method and how to PREP for the auction by Prioritizing, Researching, Estimating and Putting in your bid on potential investment projects. Darren shares his highly personalized spreadsheets and shows how you can build automation into your research to evaluate a much higher number of potential investments while saving time and learning to discard quickly the ones that don’t meet your portfolio requirements. Learn how to find local online resources that literally allow you to research hundreds of properties in a day. Know how to determine your max bid to win more auctions, and how to build contingency planning into each deal. Get insider tips on how to conduct visual inspections of the properties before you buy and identify hidden pitfalls that catch every novice investor. Darren also shares what to do after you have won the property and how to jumpstart your flipping, wholesale, or buy and hold strategy.
This Pre-Assessment is to raise awareness of your current knowledge level and give you a glimpse of the information covered in this course.
As a "numbers guy" who has analyzed thousands of deals and purchased over 200 properties (over half at auction) Darren Davis is uniquely qualified to instruct this class.
Darren challenges you to adjust your mindset and discover the reasons why auctions could be the right platform for your investing.
The where, when, and how basics of auctions are outlined here. What are your reasons for using the auction strategy?
Preparation is key to success in the auction strategy. Darren provides an outline to get you started.
Darren walks through the basics of an auction analysis and provides formulas to help you crunch the numbers.
Darren shows you what steps you should take when interested in an area, to analyze the market and get your information straight.
It's not just about the facts. What opinions are key to analyzing your potential property?
The 5 basic costs to keep in mind when analyzing a property, beginning with acquisition costs and exploring four more costs you need to know.
Always be sure to educate yourself as much as possible, but don't over-analyze. Beware of anlysis paralysis.
While we want to be sure to gather the most accurate numbers possible, we will often figure them from assumptions and estimations.
What would you do in this specific situation? Walk through a case study with your instructor and studio audience.
What pictures do you need when preparing for an auction? Darren gives you some tips on collecting the necessary images.
What is the difference between actual and perceived value? Darren gives some tips on creating the best value in the eyes of the prospective buyer.
Our instructor continues through the case study and covers the details of what was done to prepare it for sale.
Let's take a look at another real life case study. What would you do?
Darren walks through this case study and breaks it down to simple, understandable pieces of information. Even when the situation looks ominous, surprises can be in store.
Some audience questions are answered, such as the type of appliances Darren uses in his properties.
How can you get an accurate estimate when you cannot walk through the property? Darren discusses the options available in this situation.
The instructor and class walk through another real life case study. What would you do?
Understand the purpose and importance of each repair cost in this break-down of the repair costs for case study 3.
This case study will challenge you to look at an investment opportunity from an entirely different perspective. Is it worth it?
How much is a pool really worth in your estimate? Darren walks you through the numbers he has calculated up to this point for case study 4.
A closer look at the numbers involved in making decisions about the property.
Sometimes the estimated repair numbers are not quite what you expect. Darren gives direction on what to do when this happens.
How can you make a profit when your property is full of surprises?
What's the last step? Right before you go to the auction, make sure you drive the property. Circumstances can change overnight.
Now that you have your numbers together and have seen the property, how do you place the bid?
Auctions can happen anywhere - even online. How should you prepare differently for an online auction?
Now that you have placed your bid and purchased the investment property, what are your next steps?
If the house is still occupied, you will need to discuss a cash for keys agreement with those living there. Darren guides us through the best methods for handling this situation.
Beware of getting sucked into the emotional stories and lives of the inhabitants. How to move forward with evictions once they have begun.
Remember, you are now a prepared professional. It's time for you to prioritize, research, evaluate and put in your bids.
This Post-Assessment is to measure your increased knowledge and see how much information you have retained from the course.
This Post-Assessment is to measure your increased knowledge and see how much information you have retained from the course.